Wednesday 4 September 2019

Daily Glory Devotionals for today


For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

Main text: Job 22: 21- 30

At Bestlife we believe that the redemption plan guaranteed a wealthy life for us. “Christ became poor so that you can become rich”. In redemption, the ransom must be paid before an exchange can take place. So Christ took our place; first he became sin, so we can become righteous. Secondly, he took our sickness and disease so we can enjoy divine health and healing. Here, he became poor so that we can become rich. So how can you be saved and not be rich; it’s is complete package. The new creation has no business with poverty. Psalm 105: 37 say “He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes”. Note the phrase ‘he also’- meaning, it is part of the package.

Suppose you are very poor before you became a Christian, you will not remain so. Colosians 1: 12 say ‘Christ has qualified you as a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light’. The Christian is an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ. All the wealth in this world belongs to you if you’re born again. You’ve inherited all the blessings of Abraham. Righteousness, prosperity, healing and health, success, progress and spiritual advancement are all yours now. Once you accept this truth in your spirit, and allow it dominate your thinking it’ll be impossible for you to walk in lack. Christ took upon Himself, not only the sins of the world, but also the effects of sin, one of which is poverty. You must reject it.

There are three causes of poverty of a believer- Ignorance, fear and laziness. Get into the word to understand the untold wealth available to you in Christ. Stop living in fear and start believing that God wants you to be rich. Whatever your hand find to do, do it with all your might for ‘the diligent hand make rich”. Be conscious of your prosperity not lack. Christ has made you rich already. Christ already paid the price for your prosperity; you must reject debt or lack. Put your angels to work, they are sent by God to help you prosper. Whether he is rich or poor, each believer has a mansion in heaven. If you believe you will make heaven why don’t you believe you will make it on earth. Say ‘Christ has made me rich; I refuse to be poor’.

Prayer for today
I am redeemed from poverty, lack and debt. I am qualified in Christ to partake of the inheritance of the saint in life. I am abundantly supplied. I released angels to gather my wealth and glory from all corners of the earth to me. I will lay up gold and silver as dust in Jesus name.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Daily Glory Devotional

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Main text: 2 COR. 5:17-21

When you’re born again, you are a brand new baby; a new person. You have no spiritual past at all. Satan has nothing on you. If there is anything that’s not of God in your life—something that hurts, binds or limits you—rebuke it and it’ll be gone. They are old things that have passed away. The failures, sickness, poverty, and defeats of the past are all gone. God says so. Therefore, you must learn how to live your new life just as a newborn baby must learn to do certain things in this world.

You have a new life in Christ, eternal life and this life destroys sickness and disease, poverty and failure even death because it’s the life of God. You may say, “But I still feel the pain or effect of sickness or disease in my body, even though I’m born again”; refuse to fear. Rather, keep declaring, “I have a new life, and it’s the Christ-life; it destroys all forms of sickness and disease from my body.” Say it out loud every day.  Keep speaking out your faith like that, trusting what God has said: He’s called you to glory and virtue, not to poverty, sickness or death.

You have a new name, a new status in Christ. You have been redeemed and freed from the bondage of Satan and sin (Romans 8: 2). God has “…reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ….” Reconciliation means you are no longer God’s enemies; you’ve been accepted in the beloved. It also means your life must be the true reflection of God’s image and likeness from now on. Whenever you look at any area of your life; maybe your health, your finance or career and it does not reconcile with what the word say, reject it in the name of Jesus. Live with this consciousness, and there’ll be no room for poverty, defeat, failure or sickness in your life. Say: I am a reflection of God’s glory!

Prayer for today
I walk in newness of life, living out the glorious life of Christ predestined for me from the foundation of the world. I’m chosen, royal, peculiar, excellent, and full of glory. I walk in victory and dominion today and always in Jesus name

Daily Glory Devotional

Prayer for today
I walk in newness of life, living out the glorious life of Christ predestined for me from the foundation of the world. I’m chosen, royal, peculiar, excellent, and full of glory. I walk in victory and dominion now and always in Jesus name!

Monday 3 September 2018

Daily Glory, Monday September 3, 2018


Therefore, beloved, since we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that defiles body and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2 Corinth 7: 1

The second kind of grace that God gives us is sanctifying grace. God said you must be holy for is holy (1 Peter 1: 16). 1 John 3: 9 say ‘No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God’. However, the good news is: whatever God require you to do he empowers you to do it. Sanctifying grace works in you to become like Christ. Heb 12:15-16 say ‘Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright’. Stop living like a profane believer. Grace is available for you to live holy; tap into it. 

God uses his word to sanctify his children John 17: 17 say “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth”. Focus on the word. Take note of the conviction in your heart as you encounter the word. Every time you hear the word, it will seem like God is talking to you about dealing with that same sin or character flaw. That’s God dealing with you and helping you get your life cleaned up. It is not condemnation but conviction of sin; Romans 8: 1 say ‘there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus’. Conviction comes from God and condemnation comes from the devil. Conviction draws your attention to a sin in your life and it shows you the way out but condemnation brings guilt to your heart. God’s sanctifying grace brings conviction and empowers you to change and become more like Christ. Tap into the sanctifying grace

Further study Romans 6: 1-7

Prayer for today
Father I thank you for your love for me. I tap into the sanctifying grace for victory and dominion over sin. As I perfect holiness in the fear of the lord, I have victory over all works of evil today in Jesus name

Tuesday 17 October 2017

All your enemies will fall before you!

1 Sam 14. The Philistine came against Israel. They had what will look like 30,000 armoured tanks, 9,000 warplanes and unnumbered foot soldiers but Saul had only 600 men with him and the entire army of Israel  had only two swords. But that vast fell defeated before Israel. Our great is our God.

I decree that no matter how weak or small they thought you are, everyone that rise against you and your family today, will fall before you in Jesus name.

Friday 13 October 2017


Whatever you sow you will reap (good or evil) Gal. 6: 7-8
You will reap more than you more.
The more you sow ,you will reap much more 2 Cor. 9: 6
The kind of seed you sow determines the kind of harvest you get. Everthing produce after its own kind. Gen. 1: 11, 24
You reap also what other sow Jn. 4: 38; Deu. 6: 11;
You determine the seed, but God controls the harvest. Matthew 9: 38; 1 Cor. 3: 6
He decides time you reap Gal. 6: 9
He decides the quantity you reap 1 Cor. 3: 6;
He decides who reaps John 4: 38
You can either reap 30, 60 and 100% depending the aforementioned.
A seed is powerless or useless until it is planted John 12: 24
The growth of a seed is not hindered or disturbed by other seeds. They can grow together. Matth 13: 30
A seed is persistent and indestructible except by fire. Whether you sleep or are awake, a seed can continue to grow. Mark 4: 27
A seed grows in secret and unnoticed. Mark 4: 27- 28
Everything you desire can be acquired by getting and planting the right kind of seed
If you don’t give up doing good or sowing, you will reap full harvest Gal. 6: 9; Psa. 126: 6; Eccl 11: 1-6. The same is true for those who don’t give up doing evil or committing sin

Whatever is happening to you is rooted in a seed planted in your life
Spoken word seed. Every word is a seed. Pro. 13: 2; 18: 20; Jn 6: 63
Careless word – mother of Jabez – affects your destiny
Evil words or tongue of the wicked- creates battles for you
Word of faith  Matt. 17: 20 moves mountain and creates your expereince
Word of salvation 1 Peter. 1: 23; luke 8: 11 brings more souls to the kingdom
Time seed Gen. 8: 22. You either waste it or invest it. Whatever you spend your time doing will determine the quality of your life. What makes you a proffessional is when you spent 100,000 hours on a career. What makes you a master is spending 10,000 hours studying a subject. I wonder what you planned to become watching tv for 20 hrs a day? Or sleeping for 16 hours?
Money seed. You either spend it or invest it. What you do with money determines your financial future.
Love seed. You must give it to get it. If you sow hatred, you create enemies.
Peace seed James. 3: 18. Heb. 12: 14.
Righteous seed. Hos. 10: 12.
Kingdom seed Matth.13: 31. When you become born again, the kingdom of God comes alive in you.
Relationship seed. It can be evil or good. Matth. 13: 38. The kind and quality of friends you keep determines your future.
Evil seed Matt.13: 24- 30. Wickedness is real and they are on fulltime job planting wickness.
Sin seed Pro. 22: 8; 1 Jn. 3: 9. The reason why you commit sin is because sin is in you and producing fruits of iniquity.

In closing, today the almighty God will uproot everything he has not planted in your life according to Matth 15: 13. And according to Matthew 7: 19 Whatever tree that is producing sickness, poverty, shame, death etc in your life, what will happen to it? It will cut down and cast into fire. That fire today is the consuming fire of the Holy ghost.

If you don’t like the harvest you have, remove the seed and sow the seed of what you desire.
But be careful what you plant into your life and the word you allow to enter your heart.
Whatever you desire, first of all, sow the word of faith seed daily and keep sowing it into your life.
Whatever you don’t want, uproot by the fire of the Holy spirit through warfare prayers.
You must deal with the seed of sin in your life otherwise it will corrupt the good harvest God wants to give you by living holy lives
Never leave your life fallow and be always vigilant (night vigil), keep sowing good seeds otherwise your enemies will sow weeds. Don’t sleep like unbelievers. 1 Thess. 5: 6 (if any bad thing happens to you, you have slept. It is time to wake up)


JOHN 4: 35- 38; PSA. 126: 5-6; GEN 8: 22
Everyone has a heaven over him. Your heaven maybe opened or closed. If your heaven is closed, life becomes hard. The purpose of open heaven is for the showers of blessings to falls. The purpose of showers is for bumper harvest. Harvest is what determines the quality of life. It defines your glory. Whatever you have or desire to have is what is called harvest while the power to acquire what you desire is packaged in a seed. Understanding the workings of seedtime and harvest places within your reach the ability to enjoy divine covenant blessings.

What is seed? Everything you do or any actions you undertake is a seed that produces an harvest. Whatever is happening to you is rooted in a seed planted in your life before. Whatever you have is either a seed or an harvest. If what you have is what you desired then it is an harvest. If what you have cannot meet your need, then it is a seed.

Seed is anything that has the ability to reproduce or multiply itself. John 12: 24. A seed can be good or evil. Anything that creates a result or consequence (harvest a.k.a testimony, future, blessing, prosperity, marital bliss, success, good health, children etc.). If you destroy or eat the seed, you have sabotaged the harvest.

Your life right now maybe in the seedtime or harvest. If you are in school, it is seedtime. The day you graduate, harvest season should start. Life is regulated in seasons. There is a time to sow and a time to reap Eccl. 3: 2. As long as earth remain seedtime and harvest will not seize... Your seed is what creates new season for you. Many of us are eating the fruit of what we did in our youth, when you were unmarried. Some of us call it enjoyment but it has damaged our joy in future.

Your seed is what creates your future. If you refuse to sow anything, sleep or play during sowing season, you will have no future. Your seed is the only power you have over your future. You can change your future by changing your seeds. Psa. 126: 6 he who goes out weeping carrying precious seed will doubtless return with singing bearing the harvest…what you are willing to sow is what determines the joy you will experience in life.