Whatever you sow you will reap (good or evil) Gal. 6: 7-8
You will reap more than you more.
The more you sow ,you will reap much more 2 Cor. 9: 6
The kind of seed you sow determines the kind of harvest you get. Everthing produce after its own kind. Gen. 1: 11, 24
You reap also what other sow Jn. 4: 38; Deu. 6: 11;
You determine the seed, but God controls the harvest. Matthew 9: 38; 1 Cor. 3: 6
He decides time you reap Gal. 6: 9
He decides the quantity you reap 1 Cor. 3: 6;
He decides who reaps John 4: 38
You can either reap 30, 60 and 100% depending the aforementioned.
A seed is powerless or useless until it is planted John 12: 24
The growth of a seed is not hindered or disturbed by other seeds. They can grow together. Matth 13: 30
A seed is persistent and indestructible except by fire. Whether you sleep or are awake, a seed can continue to grow. Mark 4: 27
A seed grows in secret and unnoticed. Mark 4: 27- 28
Everything you desire can be acquired by getting and planting the right kind of seed
If you don’t give up doing good or sowing, you will reap full harvest Gal. 6: 9; Psa. 126: 6; Eccl 11: 1-6. The same is true for those who don’t give up doing evil or committing sin
Whatever is happening to you is rooted in a seed planted in your life
Spoken word seed. Every word is a seed. Pro. 13: 2; 18: 20; Jn 6: 63
Careless word – mother of Jabez – affects your destiny
Evil words or tongue of the wicked- creates battles for you
Word of faith Matt. 17: 20 moves mountain and creates your expereince
Word of salvation 1 Peter. 1: 23; luke 8: 11 brings more souls to the kingdom
Time seed Gen. 8: 22. You either waste it or invest it. Whatever you spend your time doing will determine the quality of your life. What makes you a proffessional is when you spent 100,000 hours on a career. What makes you a master is spending 10,000 hours studying a subject. I wonder what you planned to become watching tv for 20 hrs a day? Or sleeping for 16 hours?
Money seed. You either spend it or invest it. What you do with money determines your financial future.
Love seed. You must give it to get it. If you sow hatred, you create enemies.
Peace seed James. 3: 18. Heb. 12: 14.
Righteous seed. Hos. 10: 12.
Kingdom seed Matth.13: 31. When you become born again, the kingdom of God comes alive in you.
Relationship seed. It can be evil or good. Matth. 13: 38. The kind and quality of friends you keep determines your future.
Evil seed Matt.13: 24- 30. Wickedness is real and they are on fulltime job planting wickness.
Sin seed Pro. 22: 8; 1 Jn. 3: 9. The reason why you commit sin is because sin is in you and producing fruits of iniquity.
In closing, today the almighty God will uproot everything he has not planted in your life according to Matth 15: 13. And according to Matthew 7: 19 Whatever tree that is producing sickness, poverty, shame, death etc in your life, what will happen to it? It will cut down and cast into fire. That fire today is the consuming fire of the Holy ghost.
If you don’t like the harvest you have, remove the seed and sow the seed of what you desire.
But be careful what you plant into your life and the word you allow to enter your heart.
Whatever you desire, first of all, sow the word of faith seed daily and keep sowing it into your life.
Whatever you don’t want, uproot by the fire of the Holy spirit through warfare prayers.
You must deal with the seed of sin in your life otherwise it will corrupt the good harvest God wants to give you by living holy lives
Never leave your life fallow and be always vigilant (night vigil), keep sowing good seeds otherwise your enemies will sow weeds. Don’t sleep like unbelievers. 1 Thess. 5: 6 (if any bad thing happens to you, you have slept. It is time to wake up)
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