Thursday 12 October 2017

Miracles in serving God

Exo 23: 26 You shall serve the Lord and he shall bless your bread and water (prosperity), he shall take away sickness from among thee (good health), nothing in your land will be barren nor suffer miscarriage (fruitfulness)

I met a man who received a special miracle recently. He had an accident and the doctors had to put an iron inside his leg to enable him walk again. After he was discharged from hospital, he said to himself that the devil is a liar. No matter what happens, he will forever serve God. I think at that point , the devil loss all the battle over him. He was a genuine lover of God.

He devoted his life to evangelism and soul winning. With so much pain in his legs he will go out everyday in the  morning and sometime in the evening to preach the gospel for a long time.. I guess God was watching out for his faithfulness. But he never gave up. After several months pass, one day, he went out in the evening as usual, came home and had his bath and meal. And he slept. When he woke up the following morning, he met the iron rods that the doctors put inside his legs neatly laid right beside him. He stood up and began to walk freely. God gave him a brand new bones from the storehouse in heaven.
[10/12, 11:58 AM] Ayo: God is real and his wonders and miracles are real whether you know it or not. The brother didn't bother to pray about the situation for a day, he just kept serving God the best way he came. The God who is ever faithful to his covenant then did his own part.

As you serve the Lord in BICC, he will perform all his words in your life in Jesus name.

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