Thursday 12 October 2017

Be genuine lover of God

David, a man after God's heart.
How can a murderer and adulterer be God's friends? Answer: God is not man. His ways are different. However something must have qualified David for this special place in God's heart. My guess is you will say, he loves to praise God. He is a giver. He fears God. And so on. He is all of that but the basic thing is....
David is a lover...a complete and genuine lover of God. He loves God.

God sent David on an assignment and before he came back, the enemy destroyed his house, properties, and kidnapped all his family members. Oh he cried until he had no more strength for tears. He could have said, God has disappointed him. Or say there is no God. He could have decided to go try other means, or bow to other god. But know, David encouraged himself in the Lord. He strengthened himself. Even while he tried to encouraged his friends who suffered the same loss, they spoke of stoning him. But he insisted, that God is good and there is no evil in him at all.

I have walked with God for over 24 years. In the early days, I found it great. Whenever I prayed, I got speedy answers. I thought that was Christianity, sweet experience. Soon God began to teach me that the attention I got those days was because I was still a baby. Every genuine mother will rush to the cries of their baby. But the older we get, the more he teaches us maturity. He wants us to get stronger because life is not designed to be easy. And when it hits us, it is not because God does not see, or loves or cares or answers prayers. God is good. You must show to him that it not his blessings or goodness that drew you to him but his love was what compelled you.

David was a genuine lover of God. Therefore he became God's favorite man of all time. Jesus then asked Peter, do you love more than these? Do you love me more than your desires for miracles and blessings? When we pass the test of love, then we with occupy a special place in God's heart and agenda.

May God make us genuine lover of God

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