Thursday 12 October 2017

God is not a game!

God is not a game!

A king in Israel wanted to go to battle and his friends advised him to seek the help of God's prophet. He said he does not need any man of God but his friends insisted that unless he does not need his assistance, he must ask for the blessings and prayers of a man of God before they proceed. The king eventually hired some prophets who told him want he would love to hear. The lord is with you o king, go to this battle, you will defeat all your enemies....they all prophecied

His friend, not satisfied, ask, is there no other prophet in this land. The king said , there is one more but he does not like me and does not prophecy anything good about me. His friend insisted that the prophet must be brought in and let's hear what God has put in his mouth.

They brought in the prophet and he said the mind of God to the king. The king would not return from that battle. His heart is not straight with God. He only wanted to use God but didn't want God to use him

Beloved, God is not a game. Don't play him. He looks at the heart not at the face. The question, why are you seeking God? Is it not because of the miracles you desire? Or because you love him?

If you love him, you will never be disappointed in him. You will stand firm in faith no matter the circumstances. You will never stop praying or stop attending services. You will never stop giving and supporting kingdom project or the poor. You will never give up, because you are not seeking him not for you want from him but because you love him, even if he kills you , you will keep trusting him.

Even if he slays me, I will keep trusting him. I love him.

When God sees that you are a genuine lover, then he will make all things work together for your good. The miracles you seek will be delivered. Your expectations will be granted. But you must seek his kingdom and his righteousness first. If you are steadfast in his presence, then  the good thing you desire will be delivered. Then the day of visitation will come. Let's love him and seek him not for what we want but because we love God.

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