Wednesday, 24 August 2016
7 Decisions that decide your prosperity:
1. Your decision to write out a list of specific goals and keep them in front of you everyday.
2. Your decision to become a lifetime learner.
Get a knowledge map of what you want to learn every month. Whatever is missing in your life is something you are unwilling to trade your time for. Time is what you invest to either create or receive an experience.
3. Your decision to show honor to the scriptural chain of authority. Whoever you authorize to give you instructions is the key to your wealth.
4. Your decision to excel in solving problems for someone who trusts you.
5. Your decision to make the Holy Spirit your lifetime Counselor.
6. Your decision to pursue mentorship from uncommon financial achievers.
7. Your decision to sow seeds into the work of God with persistent expectation.
- Dr. Mike Murdoch
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
There are 3 ways to become a businessman; you either become an inventor, an investor or an innovator. An inventor is someone who makes something new out of creation. An innovator is someone who improves on something that already exist, either a product or a service. While an investor is the person put money in an existing successful business.
The question is can everyone do business?
I heard that entrepreneurs are born with certain qualities and if you don’t have those qualities, you cannot be one. What a fallacious statement. Any ordinary person can become an entrepreneur. You could become self employed, go into partnership, invest in a franchise, buy an existing business, launch a new service or improve on an existing one. You could rent an office, get a shop, a kiosk, and work from home, set up a website or a showroom. You could work on your own, work in a team or a play a middle man between a buyer and seller. You can setup a tiny or retail outfit to target a particular market or a big company to target the mass market. This is what entrepreneurship is about.
Monday, 15 August 2016
Living by Purpose
Spend today and the entire week thinking and praying about your life's purpose. If you knew you can start over, if you knew it is impossible to fail, if you had all the time and resources at your disposal, what would you choose to do? Imagine yourself to be a hero/ heroine, how would you describe that hero/ heroine in one statement...break your answers down to reflect the following;
1. Spiritual
2. Career or business
3. Academics
4. Marriage
5. Social contribution
Send your response as a comment below or a personal chat to me @
Every one of us will eventually end up in business someday. Either you start at 16 while in College or at 60 after retiring from a salaried job, one day you will go into business. Jesus said ‘Do business till come’! Luke 19: 13. Paul also advise that ‘each one should mind their business… work with his own hand’
Entrepreneurial culture in Africa is so low. We were all raised to go to school, study hard, get good grades from grad school, get a good job and start making money. Until recent times, entrepreneurship is not being taught as part of school curriculum. We have conditioned to be salary earners and corporate slaves. All we do is helping others achieve their dream and we are paid enough to bring us to work the next day.
No one can get rich working for another man. Did you know that about 95% of the legitimately richest persons in the country today are entrepreneurs and self employed while the remaining inherited their wealth; not a single salary earner is on the list?
Every one of us will eventually end up in business someday. Either you start at 16 while in College or at 60 after retiring from a salaried job, one day you will go into business. Jesus said ‘Do business till come’! Luke 19: 13. Paul also advise that ‘each one should mind their business… work with his own hand’
Entrepreneurial culture in Africa is so low. We were all raised to go to school, study hard, get good grades from grad school, get a good job and start making money. Until recent times, entrepreneurship is not being taught as part of school curriculum. We have conditioned to be salary earners and corporate slaves. All we do is helping others achieve their dream and we are paid enough to bring us to work the next day.
No one can get rich working for another man. Did you know that about 95% of the legitimately richest persons in the country today are entrepreneurs and self employed while the remaining inherited their wealth; not a single salary earner is on the list?
Did you know that most people usually don’t know what to do with their retirement or severance package? This is because they did not pay attention to entrepreneurship throughout their work life. Many end up losing huge amount of hard earned money and life savings to fraudsters, bad business decisions, and trial and error in business.
There are 3 ways to become a businessman; you either become an inventor, an investor or an innovator. An inventor is someone who makes something new out of creation. An innovator is someone who improves on something that already exist, either a product or a service. While an investor is the person put money in an existing successful business.
The question is can everyone do business?
I heard that entrepreneurs are born with certain qualities and if you don’t have those qualities, you cannot be one. What a fallacious statement. Any ordinary person can become an entrepreneur. You could become self employed, go into partnership, invest in a franchise, buy an existing business, launch a new service or improve on an existing one. You could rent an office, get a shop, a kiosk, and work from home, set up a website or a showroom. You could work on your own, work in a team or a play a middle man between a buyer and seller. You can setup a tiny or retail outfit to target a particular market or a big company to target the mass market. This is what entrepreneurship is about.
Saturday, 13 August 2016
One day I will stand before soon, I cannot tell...& he will do an audit of my life, a final exam, before I enter eternity...What would matter not what others think or say about me...not my title, degrees, job, properties, cars, or businesses...but what God says about me...what I did with Jesus...what I did with everything he gave gifts, talents, money, opportunities, relationships and resources...whether I spent it selfishly on myself and my family or did I use them for the purposes God made me for'...Aside this nothing else would matter...while I wait for the day, I will do my best to die empty!
Friday, 12 August 2016
Dear Pastor and to whom it may concern...
The game of soccer teaches many great lessons....
Spectators pay to watch players... commentator analyse their performance...but only the players nd their coaches get paid....
Spectators hurls insults or praises, depending on their mood but the players keep on playing regardless...because...their eyes is on the joy and prize...of winning.
If you are the player...whoever the spectators are...Let them whine, just make sure you win...that's all that matters!
...Even when you fall...stand up! Don't despair! The prize is not only for who finishes first but for all finishes! The race is not a's about completion!

At the Judgement Seat of Believers' works....unfortunately the Righteous Judge will not entertain excuses or explanations...Your works, only our works, will speak for us....Otherwise Eternity will not suffice for judgement because I know of some who have 'genuine' excuses or explanations for why we ain't doing the job the Lord left us to do....
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Mark 4:35, 37 'Jesus told his disciples, let us crossover to the other side... and a great windstorm arose'
Whenever we attempt to cross into newness the storm arises. Satan isn't bother if you stay in your comfort zone, accept all the shits life throws at you, levitate in poverty and die a nobody. But the day you decide to fulfill God's purpose for your life and obtain his promises, the windstorm will arise.
The devil does not want us to change nor does he want things to change for us. Change isn't cheap; that's why many accept their condition as their portion in life. Your condition is not your portion; it's only a test of your knowledge of God. The day you make up your mind that I am crossing over right here and right now, and you begin to make an attempt, expect the storm.
My advise today, don't be surprised when the storm wind blows...never let your faith and resolve be dampened. As long as Jesus is in the boat, you will not cap-side. The peace of God will guard your heart. In due time, Jesus will rebuke the wind and there will be calmness. During the storm, you may loose things...job, money, reputation, friends, family, opportunities etc. But you will land safely and greatness awaits on the other side.
Declare this day that; I am crossing over, I am facing the storm, I am overcoming, I have the peace of God in my heart in Jesus name.
I do hope to see you on the other side....
Whenever we attempt to cross into newness the storm arises. Satan isn't bother if you stay in your comfort zone, accept all the shits life throws at you, levitate in poverty and die a nobody. But the day you decide to fulfill God's purpose for your life and obtain his promises, the windstorm will arise.
The devil does not want us to change nor does he want things to change for us. Change isn't cheap; that's why many accept their condition as their portion in life. Your condition is not your portion; it's only a test of your knowledge of God. The day you make up your mind that I am crossing over right here and right now, and you begin to make an attempt, expect the storm.
My advise today, don't be surprised when the storm wind blows...never let your faith and resolve be dampened. As long as Jesus is in the boat, you will not cap-side. The peace of God will guard your heart. In due time, Jesus will rebuke the wind and there will be calmness. During the storm, you may loose things...job, money, reputation, friends, family, opportunities etc. But you will land safely and greatness awaits on the other side.
Declare this day that; I am crossing over, I am facing the storm, I am overcoming, I have the peace of God in my heart in Jesus name.
I do hope to see you on the other side....
We made a delivery of the first set of online orders this morning...its amazing, the power of e-marketing! Thanks @ Osunsan Tobi
Your order is on the way...!
Tuesday, 9 August 2016

You can place your orders here or send email to and it will be delivered to your doorsteps for just N200.00!
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