Wednesday 10 August 2016


Mark 4:35, 37 'Jesus told his disciples, let us crossover to the other side... and a great windstorm arose'
Whenever we attempt to cross into newness the storm arises. Satan isn't bother if you stay in your comfort zone, accept all the shits life throws at you, levitate in poverty and die a nobody. But the day you decide to fulfill God's purpose for your life and obtain his promises, the windstorm will arise.

The devil does not want us to change nor does he want things to change for us. Change isn't cheap; that's why many accept their condition as their portion in life. Your condition is not your portion; it's only a test of your knowledge of God. The day you make up your mind that I am crossing over right here and right now, and you begin to make an attempt, expect the storm.

My advise today, don't be surprised when the storm wind blows...never let your faith and resolve be dampened. As long as Jesus is in the boat, you will not cap-side. The peace of God will guard your heart. In due time, Jesus will rebuke the wind and there will be calmness. During the storm, you may loose things...job, money, reputation, friends, family, opportunities etc. But you will land safely and greatness awaits on the other side.

Declare this day that; I am crossing over, I am facing the storm, I am overcoming, I have the peace of God in my heart in Jesus name.

I do hope to see you on the other side....

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