Monday 15 August 2016

Every one of us will eventually end up in business someday. Either you start at 16 while in College or at 60 after retiring from a salaried job, one day you will go into business. Jesus said ‘Do business till come’! Luke 19: 13. Paul also advise that ‘each one should mind their business… work with his own hand’
Entrepreneurial culture in Africa is so low. We were all raised to go to school, study hard, get good grades from grad school, get a good job and start making money. Until recent times, entrepreneurship is not being taught as part of school curriculum. We have conditioned to be salary earners and corporate slaves. All we do is helping others achieve their dream and we are paid enough to bring us to work the next day. No one can get rich working for another man. Did you know that about 95% of the legitimately richest persons in the country today are entrepreneurs and self employed while the remaining inherited their wealth; not a single salary earner is on the list?

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