Wednesday 24 August 2016

7 Decisions that decide your prosperity: 1. Your decision to write out a list of specific goals and keep them in front of you everyday. 2. Your decision to become a lifetime learner. Get a knowledge map of what you want to learn every month. Whatever is missing in your life is something you are unwilling to trade your time for. Time is what you invest to either create or receive an experience. 3. Your decision to show honor to the scriptural chain of authority. Whoever you authorize to give you instructions is the key to your wealth. 4. Your decision to excel in solving problems for someone who trusts you. 5. Your decision to make the Holy Spirit your lifetime Counselor. 6. Your decision to pursue mentorship from uncommon financial achievers. 7. Your decision to sow seeds into the work of God with persistent expectation. - Dr. Mike Murdoch

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