Wednesday 7 January 2015


Romans 8: 28- 38

Champions are made from challenges. David was a just a small underage farm boy until he killed Goliath and in 1 Samuel 18: 7 he was celebrated…Saul killed his thousands and David his thousands’. Very soon, after all this, you will be celebrated

There is no one that has great glory without a great story. No star without a scar. People don’t get to the top by sudden flight, they climb. ‘For this light affliction, which is but for a moment worketh in us a far weight of glory…’ 2 Corinthian 4: 17- 18 whatever it is you are confronting is leading you to glorious end.

Job ended with double portion Job 42: 12; Hannah ended with 5 children after years of tormentous barrenness.

Challenges are a proof of your value. Satan never wastes his time and resources over people of no or little value. If your glory is not weighty, your trouble is not necessary.

Challenges are a trust from God on you. Remember, Satan cannot touch you without seeking permission from God.  Job 1: 6- 12; 2: 1-6. God knows you can handle any test that comes to you 1 Corinthian 10: 13                                 

Why challenges?

·        To test our faith…Satan wants to destabilize it

·        To proof our love for God…Satan wants destroy it

·        To test the depth of our knowledge of God…Satan want to derail it

·        To test our understanding of purpose… Satan wants to derail it

·        To test your confidence...Satan wants to destroy it

3 things challenges do for us

·        Preserve us from danger

·        Prepare us for the next assignment

·        Promote us to the next level

Whatever is going against you now is actually working together for your good. As long as you in God’s will, life nor Satan can destroy you. Vs 28

God has not called us to a life of suffering; you chosen… chosen means to be handpicked, specially selected… to show forth is praises…you were justified to be glorified. Vs 29-30. You were saved to live a life of glory on earth and in heaven

God is not fighting you…the one who died and forgave you cannot be against you…he cannot condemn…you are not suffering for your sins…he spared not his son from dying for you, he cannot deny you of anything in life…

Satan is after those 5 things in your life;

·        your love for God

·        your faith in God

·        your knowledge of God

·        your confidence

·        your purpose

that was why he asked…and he is still asking…Jesus said to Peter…Satan has asked to sift you…Luke 22: 31…Brother, Satan has asked to sift you…sister, Satan has asked to sift you…young man,…Satan has asked to sift you…he has sent tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril or sword…but hear this loud and clear…he cannot kill you. Job 2: 6. He is after the glory that will soon be revealed in you after this…but you must stand and declare to our every demon in hell…nothing can…I say nothing…

·        nothing can separate me from the love of God

·        nothing can make me doubt my God

·        nothing can make me lose my confidence

·        nothing can make me give up my purpose

·        nothing can make doubt what I know about God

Nay, in all these things…nakedness, famine, distress, sickness…I …am…more…than…conqueror…through him…that is God…that loves us.

How can I conquer?

1 Corinthians 10: 13 says There is always a way out of every challenge. There is always a strategy out of every tragedy. No challenge is unique; it is common. What you are confronting today, someone has conquered before. Your test today is someone testimony. So, you are not the first and won’t be the last. This challenge is also not the first and it won’t be the last.

The way out…comes from God…when it is time for the trouble to expire…God will show you a way out.

3 ways to violently stop Satan’s harassment in your life

·        Faith

·        Blood

·        Mouth

My focus today is on the power in your mouth. There is victory in your mouth Romans 10: 8; there is power of life and death in your tongue Proverbs 18: 21. You either empower or disable Satan over your condition depending on the use of your mouth.

How to use your mouth

Understand that challenges are the roaring of the enemy against.  1 Peter 5: 8-9. When the lion roars at you, you must roar back. You qualify to roar at the enemy because you belong to the tribe of Judah. Genesis 49 : 8- 12 describes the blessing on Judah, and Jesus was called the lion of Judah in Revelation 5: 5 who has prevailed. The bigger prevailing lion lives in you ‘for greater is he that is you…’ Roar back. It is time to roar.

What you don’t confront you cannot conquer. Goliath roared against Israel, the trained soldiers flee but David roared back at him and the giant was defeated.

 As long as you keep quiet, the enemy will continue to prevail. Isaiah 53; 7 says if you don’t open your mouth, you will led to slaughter like a sheep. But Isaiah 42: 13-14 says, I have been quiet, yea, I have been silence but now I will cry, yea, I will roar and prevail against the enemy.

The very day you open your mouth against all satanic harassment, that same time, the enemy will turn back Psalm 56: 9

Psalm 18: 40- 45 as soon the enemy your voice, they will obey and flee from there hiding places.

In Psalm 81, one the instruction is to open wide your mouth vs. 10 and the victory will follow in vs. 14, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes’. The sooner you open your mouth against that condition, the sooner the enemy will be subdued.

Joshua 1:8 this book of the law must depart out thy…mouth…thy mouth…for thou shall meditate upon it day and night….the word meditate there is hagah which means to murmur it in pleasure or anger, to muse, to pray it…it means you need to roar the word of God you know about your condition day and night. Every day night, you stand and said to your condition it is written…then you shall make thy way prosperous and thou shall have good success.

Every challenge has it purpose; Every challenge is common; every challenge has an expiry date; there is a way out of any challenge; the day you roar, that same day, evil harassment against your destiny is terminated. It is time to stop keeping quiet for the enemy and roar back at him.

Prayer point
Hebrew 12: 29 our God is a consuming a fire….Matthew 15: 13 every plant ….shall be uprooted…Luke 3: 10…shall be cast into fire. If God has not planted it, then it is done by the enemy Matthew 13: 28

·        My father, whatever you have not planted in my life, uproot now in Jesus name

·        Holy spirit, Everything the enemy has planted in my life, must be consumed by fire now

·        You foul spirit oppressing my life, come out now in Jesus name

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