Monday 5 January 2015


Ephesians 1: 3 
If we are saved, we are already anointed to prosper. ‘Praise be to God and father of our lord Jesus, who has blessed us in heavenly realm with every spiritual blessing in Christ’.  Say it loud and clear, I am already blessed.’
Abraham is a reference point of the blessed and a blessing. According to Genesis 12: 2-3, ‘I will bless you and you will be a blessing’, God promised that he will anoint, empower and enable Abraham to prosper so much that through him, the nations of the earth will be blessed. He became an example of faith to us who will believe according to Romans 4: 12 where it was called the steps of faith that guarantees divine blessing.
 Abraham is an example of all round blessing, multiples ‘for Abraham was old (long life and good health)…and the lord had blessed Abraham in all things Genesis 24: 1 and in Vs. 35, the servant testified of the blessedness of Abraham.
All these promises came to past because God was faithful to Abraham and Abraham also was faithful to God. We also have access to the same blessedness according to Galatians 3: 9 ‘so then they which are of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham’. Note the word, we are blessed with…the blessing is divine empowerment to prosper. It is the blessing that attracts blessings to one’s life. For the blessing of the lord, it maketh rich and add no sorrow. That means the same power that was available to prosper Abraham is also available for us too.
The difference is the level of our faithfulness. The question is how Abraham was able to convert the blessing to blessings.

Let’s call it the 7 steps to multiples blessings

     1. Pursue God not prosperity (money, success, wealth etc.) Matthew 6: 33; Psalm 34: 10; 2 Chron. 26: 5. When you get God you get gold. God is the owner of silver and gold. 

2 2. Develop and live a life of Faith. Romans 4: 18- 21 faith is hoping even in hopeless situations; is not staggering even in a staggering situation. It means to be persuaded that God who promise, he will perform. Believing God is different from believing in God. You must not merely believe in the existence of God, believe in his omnipotence and willingness to bless help you this year. Hold him at his word, that in 2015, you will experience multiple blessings and you will in Jesus name

3 3. Have a strong desire to be blessed Mark 11: 22- 24 Jesus said ‘whatsoever you desire…’. Desire is the starting point for any meaningful change in life. What you don’t desire you cannot acquire. Desire is the fire of success. If you want to see multiple blessing, you must have strong desire for God and his blessing.

4 4. Live a life obedience Isaiah 1:19 says ‘if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land’. Obedience is the key to divine blessings. Abraham was a man of total obedience. God will not bless anyone unless he has tested his obedience. Mary the mother of Jesus preached the greatest sermon I have ever heard in one sentence to anyone who wants to experience divine blessings and miracles, ‘whatsoever he tells you do’. He said to Namaan, dip yourself in Jordan 7 times and he did, he was healed; he said to the blind man, so wash in the pool of siloam, he did and he received his sight; he said to the lepers, go show yourself to the high priest, they did, they were healed; he said to the widow of zarephath, go and do my own first, she did and she never lacked; he said to the children of Israel, go round Jericho 7 times and shout, they did, the wall came down etc. the instruction you obey will determine the manifestation of God you receive. If he asked for your tithe, give it and you will see the windows of heaven opened; he asked you to preach the gospel in every street, do it, and you will signs and wonders following you; if asked for your sacrificial giving of your income, give it and you will see your wealth increase; if he asked you to honor your parents, do it, and you have long life; if he asked you to honor him with your substances, money, time, body, do it and your barn will increase. The fact is for every blessing you enjoy there is an instruction to obey. The sad thing is people want to enjoy the blessing but they don’t want to obey the instruction. That is not possible. Deuteronomy 28: 1 began the blessing by saying ‘if you diligently hear the word and obey the commandment…’ then the blessing follows. The command of God you obey puts you in command of life. 

5 5. A life of prayer, worship and devotion. Mark 11: 22’ whatsoever you desire, when you pray believe and you shall have them’. Before anyone can see answers in life, 3 things must be well combined; your desire, prayer and faith. Abraham was a man of worship and prayer. You cannot pray and not see God is action. This is the year to give yourself to much public and private prayers. You prayer altar this year must always carry fire if you want to enjoy multiple blessings.

6 6. Live a lifestyle of giving: You are blessed to be a blessing. Luke 6: 38 give and it shall be given to you. Proverbs 11: 24- 26 the more you give the more you have. In the kingdom, giving comes before receiving Philippians 4: 15. Prov. 28: 27 he that giveth to the poor shall not lack. Ephesians 4: 28 you are not working for living but for giving. 

7 7.  Be Diligent in business and work:  Proverb 22: 29; Romans 12: 11 ‘see thou a diligent man, he shall stand before kings and not mean (average) men’. Diligence puts you in command of blessings. Diligence is the discipline of hard work. No matter how much fasting or tongues you speak, a lazy man can and will never be blessed. A little rest, a little sleep, so shall poverty come upon you like a labor on woman. Laziness breeds poverty; Psalms 1: 3 ‘whatsoever he doeth, he prospers. Diligence brings prosperity. Get a work; do your work diligently this year. Be the best at work; let it be evident to your employer that you are valuable to them. The word says, whatsoever ye do, do as unto the lord. He said workers must serve their employers not with eye service but as unto the lord who sees all things rewards good labor. It is God that promotes; the same God is the judge. Very soon, you will be rewarded. If you want to enjoy multiple blessings this year, then your attitude to work must change. You must be a hard worker. If your present work is not challenging you enough, get more work. Be involved in productive activity. In the labor of the just there is profit. This is the year God will escalate your profit and grant you uncommon and supernatural promotion. Let him that steal, steal no more; don’t beg; don’t borrow; work with your hands and so you can also share with the poor. Paul commanded that those who does not work should not eat. Be diligent in your studies; excellence does not come by wishful thinking or soulful praying; those who get the best results burn midnight candles; when others are sleeping, they are working.

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