Wednesday 7 January 2015


The conqueror’s prayer

Life itself minus Satan is war. Plus Satan is trouble. John 16: 22, 33 ‘in this life, you will have troubles. As long as you are alive, there will battles to fight. A victory in one is a preparation for the next. These troubles are hardship, famine, nakedness, sickness and death. If you are going through any of these right now, you are not alone. 1 Peter 5: 9 say your brethren all over the world are confronting these issues. 1 Peter 4: 12 says it is not a strange thing happening to you. What matters is winning. Life is about winning, you must win. Don’t be a loser.

But God is faithful, who will make a way out that we may be able to bear it. There is a way out of any challenge. There is a strategy out of any tragedy. That’s what makes us a conqueror. Your job is to confront your challenges and face your fears. If you run from issues, you will live to face it another day. Don’t run, don’t stop, and don’t fear. Face it. What you don’t confront you cannot conquer.

 A conqueror is one who conquers and keeps conquering.  To be more than a conqueror means to conquer on all side. It means not to be defeated. It means not to lose a battle. We serve a God who has never lost a battle before. Our connection to him qualifies us to win the battle of life and any satanic assault against us. We are members of God’s family and are overcomers. If you are born again, you qualify to win.

Please remember that;

·        God is good and evil does not proceed from him.

·        From time to time, Satan request and seek permission to sift us e.g. Job, Peter.

·        There is a limit to what Satan cannot go beyond permission he received from God

·        That Satan cannot affliction us without permission

·        Satan can only have access to us when the hedge of God around our life and ours is broken by sin, fear, doubt or disobedience.

·        That as long as we are in the will of God, whatever we confront will eventually work for our glory

·        That for every trouble permitted by God has an expiry date for weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning

·        Finally that God will never permit us to be tested beyond what the ability he has given us to bear. That every test is permitted because God trust us that we can bear it

Please remember also that Satan uses your challenges…because he is after your love for God, faith in God, confidence, knowledge of God and understanding of purpose.

But God is using it to preserve you from danger, prepare you for the next assignment, bring fulfillment of his promise or promote you to the new level. Whatever Satan is doing to you God is going to use it for your good, for all things…works together for the good of them that loves God and who called according to his purpose. Your first way out of trouble is to be a lover of God. Number 2, is to discover and pursue his purpose for your life. To seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and things will start turning in your favor. The enemies will submit to you; they will make peace with you. They will fall for your sake. But you must be a genuine and committed lover of God. Then;

o   Hardship: your hardship is over. Every covenant with hard life is broken. Forces make life hard for you are destroyed

o   Famine: your famine is over. Powers breaking your economic strength are destroyed. The anointing to prosper is coming upon you now in Jesus name

o   Nakedness: god will clothe you with glory. He will remove the garment of shame from your back. The beauty of the lord will be seen over you and your family. Your covenant with rag is destroyed

o   Sickness: every sickness and disease in your body and family is destroyed. By his stripes you were healed and so, sickness has no place in your body from on in Jesus name.

o   Death: your covenant with death is broken. You will live. Your agreement with grave is annulled. God will break the coffin the enemy planned to bury you in. the curse of untimely death is broken over your family in Jesus name

There is a way out of every challenge or test but my focus today is on prayer. ‘The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much’ James 5: 16- 17. There is something we call the prayer of a conqueror. There is a way the heroes of faith who had conquered before we were born prayed and got answers.  Who through their prayers subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Their women through prayers of faith received their dead back to life. Hebrews 11: 33- 34, 35a. Prayer changes things and nothing changes on earth unless men pray.

Why are prayers not answered?

The story recorded in John 9 shows how through prayers an impossible and hopeless situation is turned around. It also tells the reasons why God will or will not answer prayers. It tells the story of a man who was born blind, with no eye ball at all and Jesus performed a creative miracle on him. If there is anyone here who needs a creative miracle or a supernatural surgery, the great physician, Jesus, will do it now!

God is ready and willing to answer all prayers.

1.      Sin in the life. John 9: 31, Ps. 66:18;

2.      Failure to spend time in the Word of God. Prov. 28:9; John 15:7; Isaiah 41: 21

3.      Failure to pray in faith Matt. 21:22; 1 John 5:14-15; James 1:5-7; Heb. 11:6

4.      Failure to ask because of a spirit of self-dependence James 4:2

5.      Failure to ask from the right motives, without concern for God’s will. James 4:3, 15; 1 Cor. 4:19; Matt. 6:10; 26:42

6.      Failure to endure in prayer, fainting under pressure (Luke 18:1; cf. 1 Sam. 27:1-3 with Isa. 40:31)

7.      Wrong relations with people, an unforgiving spirit (Mark 11:25-26)

8.      Pretentious praying, praying to impress people (Matt. 6:5-8)

9.      Religious zeal in the form of vain repetitions and cultic ritual (Matt. 6:7; 1 Kings 18:26-29; Rom. 10:2-3)

10. Domestic breakdown in the home (1 Pet. 5:7)

11. Inadequate praise and thanksgiving Philippians 4: 6

Prayer point: 2 Chronicles 7: 13- 15

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