Wednesday 7 January 2015


ROMANS 8: 18- 39

Let’s start today with Heather dorniden’s story: the runner who didn’t give up. She fell in a 600m race in 2008 and won the race eventually. What do you do if you fall in a race?

A conqueror is one who conquers. A conqueror is a champion. A champion is someone who competes in a challenge and emerge the winner. 1 John 5: 4 says that every children of God a conqueror. If you born again, you qualify to win in life; you qualify to reign in life. You qualify to conquer and you will win.

Jesus, our elder brother in the family, was also challenged. Hebrews 2: 18 and 4: 15, Jesus himself suffered…he was tested in all ways, yet he did not sin. Then he said, he can help those who are going through their own test. That was why he was able to say in John 16: 33 in this world you will have troubles, but be happy, I have overcome. What that means is, you will overcome too.

What are the troubles we go through in this world?

Jesus said you will have troubles. You can pray it away; you have to confront it to conquer it.

·        Hardship

·        Famine

·        Nakedness

·        Sickness

·        Death

Vs 36 say that every day we are confronted with these issues. The battle for survival and against our destiny is a daily battle and we must win daily. Jesus said in Matthew 6: 34 that each day has enough trouble. ‘Sooner or later, it will happen to you. The phone will ring, and your calm, tranquil and well ordered life will enter into a raging storm. Sooner or later you will face a crisis that you cannot manage with your resources alone and you will need a miracle from God to survive’- Pastor John Hagee.

Please remember the reasons why these troubles come…Satan is after your love for God, faith in God, confidence, knowledge of God and understanding of purpose while God is using it to preserve you from danger, prepare you for the next assignment, bring fulfillment of his promise or promote you to the new level.

So each day can be an opportunity or a fatality. An opportunity to win the battles that is daily prepared to confront you or a fatality if you fail. Vs 37 now say in all of these things…hardship, famine, sickness, death nakedness…we are more than a conqueror. We can win both the minor and the major battles of life. Quote from recommended book for the week…my vision (back cover)

How can I conquer and continue conquering? Being more than a conqueror simply means to conquer and continue conquering. It means that no matter how many times you hit the ground like a basket ball, you will keep bouncing.

1 Corinthians 10: 13 say that God is faithful… What is the faithfulness of God in this matter? Remember we have established that;

·        God is good and evil does not proceed from him.

·        From time to time, Satan request and seek permission to sift us e.g. Job, Peter.

·        There is a limit to what Satan cannot go beyond permission he received from God

·        That Satan cannot affliction us without permission

·        Satan can only have access to us when the hedge of God around our life and ours is broken by sin, fear, doubt or disobedience.

·        That as long as we are in the will of God, whatever we confront will eventually work for our glory

·        That for every trouble permitted by God has an expiry date for weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning

·        Finally that God will never permit us to be tested beyond what the ability he has given us to bear. That every test is permitted because God trust us that we can bear it

Therefore, because God is faithful, there is always a way out of every challenge. There is always a strategy out of every tragedy. No challenge is unique; it is common. What you are confronting today, someone has conquered before. Your test today is someone testimony. So, you are not the first and won’t be the last. This challenge is also not the first and it won’t be the last. 1 Peter 5: 9- 10 says…the same trouble is happening to your brothers in the world but the God of all grace, after you have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

There is a way out. The way out…comes from God…when it is time for the trouble to expire…God will show you a way out. Ask God for the way out…if any lacks wisdom let him ask James 1: 5.

How to be a conqueror is to be empowered to win. Here is my belief based on scriptures…troubles should not last…weeping should not endure for a night…suffering should be for a while…affliction should be for a moment. If challenges are taking too long is either you darkness is trying to take advantage of your ignorance or your fear or powerlessness. It is time to challenge your challenger.

·        Join the winners family 1 John 4: 4; 5: 4

·        Violent faith

·        Warfare prayers

·        The blood of Jesus

·        Opening your mouth against harassment – i.e. your testimony

My focus today is on the power in your mouth. There is victory in your mouth Romans 10: 8; there is power of life and death in your tongue Proverbs 18: 21. You either empower or disable Satan over your condition depending on the use of your mouth.

How to use your mouth

·        Understand that challenges are the roaring of the enemy against.  1 Peter 5: 8-9. When the lion roars at you, you must roar back. You qualify to roar at the enemy because you belong to the tribe of Judah. Genesis 49 : 8- 12 describes the blessing on Judah, and Jesus was called the lion of Judah in Revelation 5: 5 who has prevailed. The bigger prevailing lion lives in you ‘for greater is he that is you…’ Roar back. It is time to roar.

·        What you don’t confront you cannot conquer. Goliath roared against Israel, the trained soldiers flee but David roared back at him and the giant was defeated.

·         As long as you keep quiet, the enemy will continue to prevail. Isaiah 53; 7 says if you don’t open your mouth, you will led to slaughter like a sheep. But Isaiah 42: 13-14 says, I have been quiet, yea, I have been silence but now I will cry, yea, I will roar and prevail against the enemy.

·        The very day you open your mouth against all satanic harassment, that same time, the enemy will turn back Psalm 56: 9

·        Psalm 18: 40- 45 as soon the enemy your voice, they will obey and flee from there hiding places.

·        In Psalm 81, one the instruction is to open wide your mouth vs. 10 and the victory will follow in vs. 14, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes’. The sooner you open your mouth against that condition, the sooner the enemy will be subdued.

·        Joshua 1:8 this book of the law must depart out thy…mouth…thy mouth…for thou shall meditate upon it day and night….the word meditate there is hagah which means to murmur it in pleasure or anger, to muse, to pray it…it means you need to roar the word of God you know about your condition day and night. Every day night, you stand and said to your condition it is written…then you shall make thy way prosperous and thou shall have good success.


·        Every challenge has it purpose; Every challenge is common; every challenge has an expiry date; there is a way out of any challenge; the day you roar, that same day, evil harassment against your destiny is terminated. It is time to stop keeping quiet for the enemy and roar back at him.

        Prayer Points
1.      Father, please make me stronger than every challenge, every giant, every opposition, every troubles in Jesus.

2.      Father, let every Goliath before me fall down, let every Jericho fall down flat, let ever red sea part before me and let every Jordan dry up

3.      Father, let your glory be revealed in my life today. Let your beauty be seen in me. Let your honor destroy shame in my life

4.      Father, let the blessing of Abraham on me manifest in my work, finance, family, marriage, career, academics and destroy every curses in my life now in Jesus name

5.      Father, I declare that goodness and mercy shall follow me. Demon of Bad luck and disappointments following me, go back in Jesus name

6.      Father, I am a child of God, within the next 90 days let me experience victory over every battle I am facing today. 

7.      That stubborn wicked power that Satan has put in charge of my case, fall now in Jesus name. I receive solution

8.      O lord, you are the way maker, make a way for me. Open my eyes to see the way out of this trouble. Give me strategy for wining. Send help now in Jesus name.

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