Friday 19 December 2014

No Carry Over

No carry over… it means when an intervention or blessing is delayed, postponed or extended to a later day
·        For someone God is saying no carryover in Jesus name
·        That means two prophecy

  •    That every blessing he has planted for 2014 you will get them before 2015
  • That every problem he has ordered the termination in 2014 will not follow you into 2015

·        That person God is talking about will say with faith ‘no extra year for me in Jesus name’.
·        I believe God is a God of time and season Hab 2: 3 says the vision is for an appointed time…Eccles 3: 11 says he makes all things beautiful in his time…not your time, his time.
·        Isaiah 60.22 says…I the lord will perform it in its time…that means ‘Every miracle has its time of manifestation’. All your miracles planted in 2014 you will still get them in Jesus name
·        Psalm 30: 5 says ‘his anger is for a moment …time…weeping may endure for a night…time...but joy cometh in the morning…time this means that also ‘every problem has its expiry date’. All the problem programmed by the Lord of host to expire in 2014 will surely expire in Jesus name
·        The kind of person that refuses to carryover is someone who
o   Has not loss expectation
o   Has not lost hope
o   Has not given up
·        Job 14: 14 I will wait until my change comes…I decree changing is coming for somebody here before the end of this year in Jesus name…so wait, don’t postpone
·        Psalm 27: 13 says I had despair...fainted, give up, lost hope…unless I had believe to see the goodness of the Lord
·        The kind of person that refuses to carryover is someone like Hannah in 1 Sam 1.who refused to come next year with the same prayer points. How many of you don’t want to come next year with the same prayer points?
·        Hannah did so many things to see changes but 3 of them are;
o   She stops fighting the wrong enemy Ephesians 6. 12 we are not fighting flesh and blood
o   She stop praying the wrong prayers  James 4: 3
o   She prayed a desperate prayer, the kind that attracts divine attention. That was the kind of prayer blind bartimaeus prayed, and Jesus too in Luke 22. 42-44 and an angel appeared to help him. Someone will pray today and God will speedily send an intervention for your case
·        Let me tell you about the God I preach...he is a God of season and no miracle can happen or no problem can expire unless the time planned by the Almighty God has come.
·        This God made the heavens and the earth in 6 days…365 days is too long to solve your problem. He can do it right now. He can heal you now; you can get a phone call now and the poverty will end
·        There is something Jesus call the time of visitation in Luke 19: 44, that it is the time your God suddenly shows up to help you
·        That season can be provoked by the prophecy of anointed man of God 2 Kings 7: 1- 7Elisha said to him …by this time tomorrow. 1 Samuel 11: 9 by this time tomorrow…help will come for you
·        But do you know something that can cause carryover Daniel 10: 1- 21
o   Lack of faith
o   Lack of expectation
o   Lack of good planning
o   Presence of fear
o   Lack of right actions
o   Lack of desperate prayers
o   Lack of divine mercy
o   Curse of delay
o   Powers postponing the day of testimony
o   When you don’t recognize your season of visitation
Prayer point
1.      Prayer of mercy…My father my maker, have mercy on me
2.      Prayer of remember….My Father, I am your child don’t forget me, remember me today
3.      Prayer of deliverance…father let your mighty bring me out of the prison of poverty, sickness etc
4.      Prayer of help against the enemy…O lord of host, arise and let all my enemies be scattered
5.      Prayer against every stubborn problem…O ye stubborn mountain of sickness, poverty etc. that wants to follow me into 2015 roll away
6.      Prayer for pending blessing…
a.      my father, every blessing you have planned and package for 2014 that I am yet to receive, let it be released now
b.      That power postponing my testimony, die now in Jesus name

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