Tuesday 16 December 2014

HELL: The temporary and final state of torment and how to escape.

HELL: The temporary and final state of torment and how to escape. 
There seems to be some confusion about the meaning of Hell and who goes there because of the way the Hebrew word Sheol and the Greek word Hades have been translated in our English Bibles. This confusion has led some into an erroneous understanding of what the Bible actually teaches about the intermediate state and the final state of the dead.
The term “Hell” is commonly understood to mean a place of torment where the souls of the wicked go after physical death. This is true. The word appeared severally as Hell, Sheol, Hades, Paradise, tartarus, Gehena and the Grave and it teaches the intermediate and final state of the dead. However, because Hades in the New Testament and Sheol in the Old are variously rendered hell or grave, there has been some misunderstanding about what hell and the grave are.

1.      The intermediate state of the dead

a.      The righteous dead go to Paradise. Luke 23: 43. This is seen in the story of the rich man and Lazarus. It is also called the bosom of Abraham. Luke 16: 22-23. The bible teaches that both the place of temporary torment and bliss were once in Hades and a gulf separated them there Luke 16: 46. But according to 2 Corinth 12: 2- 4, paradise is no more in Hades.

b.      Hades is the Greek rendering for Sheol. Sheol was used in the Old Testament and Hades in the New Testament for the grave. The grave is the destination of the departed and it houses both Hell and Paradise as seen Luke 16. Since the relocation of Paradise from Hades, every sinner or unbeliever that dies goes to hell (Hades) immediately. While the righteous dead or believer goes to be with the Lord in Paradise (Heaven).

c.       The grave: the grave has been misunderstood to be a pit dug in the earth for man to lay to rest. The word commonly used for these pit is queber. Of the sixty-four times it is used in the old testament, it is translated “grave” thirty-four times, “sepulcher” twenty-six times, and “burying place” four times. It is not the same as Sheol/ Hades, though both sheol/ hades and queber is translated grave.

2.      The final state of the dead 
                       Gehena or Lake of fire. The Lake of Fire, or Hell, is a literal place of everlasting fire that was originally created by God as a place of punishment for Satan and the angels that followed him in his rebellion against God (Mat. 25:41). Because it is referred to as the place of “outer darkness” (Mat. 8:12; 25:30), we believe that it is most probably located at the farthest reaches of the creation. Gehenna is described in Scripture as a “furnace of fire” (Mat. 13:42); “everlasting punishment” (Mat. 25:46); “the mist [gloom] of darkness” (II Pet. 2:17); the “hurt of the second death” (Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 14; 21:8); “a lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Rev. 19:20; 20:10; 21:8). Presently there is no one in the Lake of fire but one day it will hold vast multitude of people who will be cast alive into it. Revelation 19: 19-20; Mathew 25:31-32,41-46; Revelation 20: 10

3.      How to escape Hell. Matthew 23: 33. 
It is important to note that once a man goes down to hell, there is no escape. Entry only, no exit. However, one can still prevent or avoid going down to the place of torment. The bible teaches that Hell opens its mouth daily. Isaiah 5: 14
a.      By being saved
b.      By living a holy life 2 Peter 2: 4-6
c.       By watching daily Mathew 24: 42
d.      By doing the will of God Luke 12: 45- 48
e.      By being profitable in God’s service Matthew 25: 30
f.        By heeding correction Pro. 23: 14
g.      By avoid pollution by flesh Jude 1: 23
h.      By being obedient
i.        By being disciplined 1Corinth. 9: 27

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