Tuesday 16 December 2014

The power of Hope

The power of Hope Romans 4: 18- 20
Hope is one of the three elements of ideal Christian character; the other two being faith and love 1 Corinthians 13:13. Hope is the foundation upon which faith stands. Hebrew 11: 1.Hope is often the only thing between man and the abyss. As long as a patient individual has hope, they can recover from anything and everything. There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who have grown hopeless about them. Whatever difficulty you may be facing in life nothing can ever be resolved without hope first.  And until hope is in place, faith does not deliver.
What is Hope?
·         Hope can be defined as a "trustful expectation."
·         To believers, hope is a trust in God's Word Isaiah 49:23.
·         Hope is the belief that circumstances will get better. It's not a wish for things to get better -- it's the actual belief, the knowledge that things will get better, no matter how big or small.
·         Hope means believing when things look hopeless. It is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be strength. Romans 4:18
What are the benefits of hope?
1.     Peace. Romans 15:13; Romans 5:2
2.     Protection. Psalm 33:18
3.     Strength & courage. Psalm 31:24
4.     Boldness and confidence in the face of death.1 Thessalonians 4:13
What is the source of Hope?
1.     Knowing God Psalm 62: 5
2.     The word of God Romans 15:4; Colossians 1:5-6
3.     Resting in God’s Grace 2 Thessalonians 2:16
4.     Being Spirit Filled life. Romans 15:13; 1 Peter. 1. 13
5.     Remembering past victories Psalm 103: 1
6.     Maintaining a Joyful attitude Romans 12: 12
7.     Maintain a possibility attitude Mark 9: 23; Prov. 23: 7
8.     Maintaining a patient attitude Heb. 6: 11-12
Hope is a very powerful virtue. Never give up hope on that situation. God is able to make all things possible but He needs your cooperation and He needs you not to give up hope.

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