Wednesday 17 December 2014

Destined to be a blessing

Luke 4: 18-19
·         You are already blessed because you are the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise.  Galatians 3: 29.
·         Colossians. 1: 16 all things were created by Jesus, in heaven and earth, visible and invisible. Hebrew 11: 2 things that are seen were made from things that are not seen. Eph. 1: 3 says we are already blessed but these blessings are in the heaven, spiritual blessings for ‘his divine power has given us all things that we need for life and godliness. 2 Pet. 1: 3
·         How blessed you will live on earth financial, medically, academically, martially etc. will now depend on 1. Your understanding of what God has freely given us 1 Corinth. 2: 12 and how it can be translated from the invisible to the visible.
·         2. It will depend on your understanding of spiritual warfare to wage war against every invisible that are fighting to hinder the manifestation of your blessings in the visible reign ‘for the day you set your heart to seek God, I was sent but the prince of Persia hinder me for 21 days…Daniel 10: 12- 13.
·         3. And your understanding on what need to be done to appropriate the blessing for as James said that faith without works (appropriate planning and actions) is dead (ineffective and unproductive) James 2: 17. It will not produce any fruits.
·          Many people are blessed and yet are living in abject poverty. This is a paradox of life; poverty in the miss of plenty. If someone sends you money from abroad through a bank, you know the money will not jump into your hands. Yes, the money is yours, no doubt but there are things you must know and do before you can take delivery of the money. You need to go to the bank, give them a code or answer a secret question, sign your name etc. provide proofs before you can withdraw the money. In the same, before God’s blessings can yours you have to fulfill all the requirements.

Covenant requirements
1.      Tithe Lev. 27: 30; mal. 3: 8- 12; Matthew 23: 23
2.      Offering Deut. 16: 16- 17; Luke 21 1- 4; 2 Cor. 9: 6- 8
3.      Giving to the poor Lev. 19: 9- 10; Prov. 19: 17; 21: 13; Galatia 6: 10; Matthew 19: 21; John 13: 27- 29
4.      Sacrificial offering Exodus 25: 1-3, 8; Genesis 22: 12, 16- 18; Psalm 126: 1-2, 5-6
5.      Prophet offerings 2 Chron. 20: 20; 2 Kings 4: 8- 17; Luke 8: 1;Philippians 4: 14- 19
6.      Defraud no man – Integrity in business. Deut. 24: 14- 15; Lev. 19: 13; Jer. 22:13

Practical requirements
1.      Meditation on the word and prayer Josh 1: 8
2.      Diligence Pro 22: 29; John 9: 4; Prov. 12: 24, 27; 13: 4
3.      Acquire skills, be an expert 1 Sam 16: 17- 23
4.      Be creative  Isaiah 48: 17; Gen. 30: 36- 43; James 1: 5
5.      Think big, think more than enough Prov. 23: 7; 22: 9
6.      Right network and partnership Eccl. 4: 9; Prov. 27: 17; 1 cor. 15: 33; 2 Chron. 20: 37
7.      Save and invest wisely, don’t be a waster. John 6: 12; Prov. 6: 6- 8; Gen. 41: 34- 36; Prov. 13: 22; 9: 5; 21: 20
8.      Stay healthy, health is wealth. 1 Corinth. 6: 19; Phil. 4: 6; Prov. 17: 22; 1 Tim 4: 8
9.      Speak abundance always Prov. 12: 14; 18: 20
1.     Explore Genesis 13: 15

Multiplying money
·         One of the covenant ability the blessing imparted on us the ability to multiply Genesis 1: 28; 9:2; 17:2
·         In God’s agenda of fruitful, he want you increase by addition and also by multiplication. Deut. 1: 11; Deut 32: 20;
·         That is why you must despise little things Zech. 4: 10. Little business, opportunities and savings has in it the seed of greatness. Mustard seed principle. Matthew 13: 22
·         How do you turn the little to great things?
o   The blessing- When the blessing comes on that little thing, it because more than enough Luke 9: 16. When you put the little with you in God’s hands, his blessing comes on it and it multiply
o   Investment- John 12: 24. If you eat your seed, you will go hungry in harvest.
o   Reinvest or diversify. Plow back your profit into the business or into another business. Open a second a store
o   Get rich by making people rich. What you make happen for others happen for you. The little boy gave 5 loaves and 2 fishes; he left with 12 baskets full of loaves and fishes. You goal must be to be a blessing.
o   Multilevel marketing. Make your customer your marketer.
o   Buy a successful business/ brand or franchise

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