Friday 19 December 2014


Deuteronomy 8:18 ‘you shall remember the Lord thy for it is he that give you the power to get wealth’
Analyzing the verse above, the following elements;
1.      You- who are you and who you should. Entrepreneur characteristic. Wealth mentality. Millionaire’s attitude.
2.      Remember God. The source, the owner; what our attitude should be to worldly possession
3.      He gives thee- the willingness of God to release wealth to you
4.      It is a gift- wealth is a gift. Whatever we have, we were given
5.      Power- spiritual power, knowledge power. It takes power to get wealth
6.      The covenant- the Abraham covenant in Genesis 12: 2; you qualify for the covenant blessing too. Galatians. 3: 14, 29. The blessing and responsibility of the covenant is in Deut. 28: 1- 8
Here is the point- stop praying for money.  God does not give money or wealth; he gives power to get money or wealth. He gives the ability or capacity to produce wealth.
Ways to make money;
1.      Stealing 2. Begging 3. Borrowing 4. Inheritance 5. Earning.
Proverbs 13: 11 says ‘wealth( not earned but) won in haste or unjustly or from the production of things for vain or detrimental use (such riches) will dwindle away, but he who gathers little by little will increase his riches.’
So, what we are discussing is not about becoming overnight success. It is a sure way to wealth. If you start today, 5- 10 years down the line, you will thank God.
Let’s talk about you and wealth. Points to note;
1.      Galatia 6: 7 ‘a man’s harvest in life will depend entirely on what he sows’. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
2.      1 Thess. 4:11, 12 ‘Make it your ambition to…mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you…so that you will not be dependent on anybody.’ Here is the key word…ambition. How ambitious are you to about starting your business; working with your own hand?
3.      Wealth is only created through business. How many salary earners end up as the richest?
Let’s talk about the capacity God gives;
Proverbs 21: 5 ‘the plans of the diligent lead to profit’. Isaiah 48: 17, 18 ‘I am the lord God who teaches thee to profit, which leads you in the way to go. These scripture gives the road map to profit in business.
1.      Effective planning before action Luke 14: 28
2.      Revelation instead of Information
3.      Mapping direction to your destination from start
Again we see that God does not give profit; planning, revelation, direction leads to profit. Success, prosperity and wealth creation in life rests on you. ‘For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous Josh. 1:8
Human life cycle
1.      Dependent
2.      Scholar
3.      Employee
4.      Self employee
5.      Business owner
6.      Philanthropist- your money works for people
The balance sheet of your life;
·         you work for people
·         Your chance of becoming rich is 5%
·         Your income depends on others
Self employee
·         you work for yourself
·         your chance of becoming rich rises to 15%
·         your income depends on you

Business owner
·         people works for you
·         your chance of becoming rises to 75%
·         your incomes depends on your employee and sales
·         your money works for you
·         your chance of being rich rises to 85%
·         your income depends on your experience and judgment of right or wrong investment

1.      We are all in business, though passively. Every day we sell, negotiate, we earn
2.      Everyone will end up in business actively. Either you start at 20 or at 60; eventually we will start in business. Why don’t we start now?
3.      Learning the act of buying and selling is a basic requirement of start a business
Why go into business?
Wrong reasons
  1. I am tired of my job- get another job because doing your business might entails doing some of this things that tire you out your job. Luke 16: 12

2.    I want to be my own boss- being a boss comes with responsibility for success or failure of the business and that takes a lot. It takes leadership. Are you ready for that?

3.    I want to get rich quick or solve my financial problems- Matthew 13:22 Most people wanting to start a business are looking for instant gratification; they want to be overnight successes. But let it be known to you that building a business is a high risk venture with a high failure rate. 90% percent of all new start-ups fail in their first ten years; so think again.

4.    I have a brilliant idea If a brilliant idea is all it takes to build a successful business, then everyone will be a millionaire overnight. Growing a business requires capital, thorough understanding of the business, competence, cash flow management, a good business team, diligence, leadership skill and most importantly; the ability to sell. So now you see why it takes more than an idea to build a business.

5.    I want to be free Do you realize that entrepreneurs work longer hours than most employees? There’s never going to be a free time in business; it’s up to you to create the time you want.

6.    I am the best in my workplace In business; team work is more important and valuable than individual skill.

7.    I have gained a lot of experience from this job, it’s time I quit if you have adequate experience from your job and you want to quit, then my best advice is this: Get another job

8.    I have a enough money to start a business

9.    I want people to know I can run a business

10. I want people to work for me too

Philippians 2: 3, 4 do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider others better than you. Each of you should look not of your own interest but also of the interest of others.
The progress to business profit should be
1.      Solution or value
2.      Service
3.      Profit
Foundation of a good business idea
1.      Talent
2.      Skill/ experience
3.      Interest
4.      Knowledge

·         20% success
·         30%
·         50%
Experience/ Skill
·         70%

How can I deploy my ingredients of wealth? Package into the form of;
1.      Service
2.      Product
3.      Solution
Matthew 7: 12 ‘so in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you’
How can you generate ideas or create opportunities?
1.      Creating solutions to problem
2.      Selling solutions
3.      Capitalizing on business failure
4.      Providing better customer service
5.      Providing cheaper variant or selling same product at a lower price
You can start by inventing a business solution or product or investing in a business solution or product. That means you start from scratch, buy an existing business or buy into an existing or successful business idea. 

Testing a business idea

1.      Talk to your prospective customer

2.      Talk to your prospective sales people

3.      Talk to people already in that business

4.      Talk to your banker

5.      Talk to the lord
Factors of success in business

1.      Your selling skills

2.      Right pricing

3.      Customer/ client base

4.      Good customer service

5.      Accessible and attractive location

6.      Your employee

7.      Capital base

8.      Business principle and ethics

9.      Good accounting and accountability

1.  Engaging the right partnership

11.  Have a good mentor

12.  Regular meeting with partners- employee, vendors and suppliers

13.  Study your competitor

14.  Study the market

15.  Create a niche for your business

16.  Network or supply chain

17.  Ensure adequate cover or protection of your business; law and insurance.

18.  Get the right business name

Your goal is to stop working for money; that money should work for you while you take holidays. That is season of rest. 

‘I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me’ Philippians 4: 11
Christ is from the Greek word Christos and it means the anointed and his anointing. The reason why you can do all things is because of the anointing on you. It is because you are a Christian, the anointed one. It is the same as the word ‘power’ used in Deut 8: 18. You are called to business to make money for kingdom purpose. God is backing you up. You are anointed for this!

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