Wednesday 17 December 2014

How to choose a life career- God’s way

Text:  Judges 13: 1- 12
·        Vs 13 ‘So Manoah asked him, ‘when your words are fulfilled, what is to be the rule that governs the boy’s life and what will be his work?
·        I want you to touch about 7 persons and announce to them ‘I am special’.
·        An angel may not have announced your birth. Nothing may be special about your birthplace. You may be a product of a conjugal mistake. You may be borne by a wayward mother like Jephtha or out of wedlock like Jesus. But that does not take away the fact that you are born special. Tell 2 persons to your right and left and say, I am special.
·        Let me tell 3 reason why I take you are special;
·        You are made by God and created in his image. Tell yourself, I resemble God!
·        You were made for his purpose; not for your purpose, not for your parent’s purpose but for his purpose. Before he made you, he had a plan. To some people, you may be a biological accident. But to God, you are born on purpose. Tell 3 persons, I am not an accident!
·        You are born again. You are Christian. You are Christ-like. Christ is not the surname of Jesus. There were several Jesus’ in his days. Christ was used to describe Jesus. He was called the son of David. There were so many descendant of David; so that was not enough. He was called Jesus of Nazareth. There so many Jesus in Nazareth. That was not enough. Christ means the anointed one and his anointing. There is only one Jesus that God anointed with Holy ghost and with power, who went about doing good…’ he is Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
·        So Christ was used to describe Jesus. In the same way, Christianity is not a religion. It was what was used to describe the Believers. And the believers were first called Christians in Antioch Act 11: 26.
·        Being a Christian simply means a believer who carries and operates the anointing of Jesus for out of his grace we have grace for grace John 1: 16. Somebody is receiving grace tonight. Who is that person? Announce to 5 people, I am a Christian! I carry the Holy Ghost anointing. I will do good, great and mighty things everywhere I go in Jesus name.
·        The organizers invited me to teach and not to preach. Well I am a preacher not a motivational speaker. But I will try to teach tonight. The want to teach on career choice.
·        The story we read is not only the birth story of Samson but an example of your own story. Since you cannot tell how you were born, this story can at least give an idea of the divine process that went into your conception and delivery.
·        I don’t know many things about God, but from the little I know I have observed that with God nothing is accidental, incidental and coincidental. With there is nothing like urgency or emergency. He is a God of plan and purpose.
·        Isaiah 46: 10 says that He declares the end from beginning, and from ancient times thing not yet done, saying my purpose will be established and my plans will come to purpose’. So you must understand first of all tonight that in God’s agenda for your life, nothing is accidental or coincidental, there is a plan for your life. Tell somebody, there is a plan for my life.
·        I want that to sink in your mind and I pray that the Holy Ghost will resonate it in your memory for the rest of your life because a lot of us live as though we are truly a product of some atomic evolution. We live as though there is no plan.
·        What is a plan? It means an agenda or scheme worked out before hand for the accomplishment of an objective. Before you were conceived, just as we read about Samson, from birth to death his life was already planned out.
·        Secondly, don’t forget that, you cannot be fulfilled outside God’s purpose for your life. Everything and everyone God made is for a purpose. Samson life’s assignment was so clear. He was to deliver the Israelite from the Philistine. He was born for that purpose. Everyone here tonight has a life statement that can be delivered in one sentence. Have you discovered your own?
·        For Mary, she was to be the virgin that will conceive, deliver and raise the son of God. That was her life purpose. That was the reason she was created. Life fulfillment is in fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.
·         The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. You cannot be happy, fulfillment or have a sense of accomplishment unless you doing what you made to do. My thought is that, what statement would you want people to write on your tomb? That summarizes your life in a sentence.
·        The pursuit of purpose is what is called career. The father of Samson prayed to God, ‘teach me how to bring up this child’. He was a man that understood purpose. The Jews understood that God has a plan for everyone’s life and each one has a peculiar and specific life’s assignment.
·        Many parents have missed this. Many of us are victims of our parent’s ignorance of God’s way. They programmed your life according to their purpose. How many parents would go to God and asked ‘Lord, how do you want me to raise this child’. No, we set out our plans. To the extent that the Jews will ask God for the name of the child. But today, the whole family will donate names. A generation that is ignorant of God’s ways of doing things. No wonder, we are not blessed with divine partnership in our life’s journey. As though God is saying, you have decided to work alone. So you are your own.
·        The second question Manoah asked is the question of life’s principle.  What rules will govern his life? Sorry, your parent didn’t ask God but you can go to God and ask. Let me ask you, what are your life’s principles? You cannot fulfill purpose if you are not principled. You cannot succeed if you are not disciplined. What are you known for? What compromise will you never make?
·        The purpose of God for Samson was almost scuttled when he began to violate the principles. To destroy your career, Satan will move you against the rules governing your life. For your person, there is a purpose for his existence and for everyone who is existing there are principles they must live by if they must succeed in their life’s purpose. Your assignment is to found out; 1. What are the rules for my life 2. what are rules for success in my career
·        The third question he asked was, what kind of work will he do?  Please understand that between your birth and fulfilling your purpose you must be engaged in something. You cannot be idle. Jesus was a carpenter before he became a Rabbi and then the Savior. Peter was a fisherman before he became the fisher of men. 2. You cannot do any kind of work. Not many people know that. For your kind of person, there is a work you are wired to do because of your purpose. So many people are in a wrong career because they studied the wrong course, got the wrong job, went after the money, got the only job available, managing dad’s business or fulfilling mum’s dream hence, they are not finding fulfillment.
How do I discover my career or life’s purpose
1. Your talent. Matthew 25: 15 ‘…he gave talents to each one according to their ability’. Discover your talent. Your talent is a point to your purpose. You were born with an ability that nobody else have. When you discover, develop and deploy your talents accordingly, you will find fulfillment. By extension, do only the work that best describes your talent.
2. Your dream Genesis 37: 5. I am not talking about your selfish ambitions but about the dream that God puts in your heart. That dream is a revelation of your life assignment. There is a thought that is prevalent in your heart; a desire that burns like fire; an imagination that won’t leave you
3. Your experience. Remember there is a plan for your life. Nothing that happens to you is a waste. ‘All things work together for the good of them that love him, who are called according to his purpose.’ Your experience is pointer to your purpose. In determining a life career, chose your experience.
4. Your hobby. What do you enjoy doing? Something that elicits your passion or emotion; that makes you angry, cries or excited. What you love to do is a pointer to your career. Your passion is a pointer to your purpose. Jeremiah 20: 9 ‘But if I say, ‘I will not mention his word or speak his name, his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in bones. I am weary of holding it; indeed I cannot.
5. Your skills. Let me read Exodus 35: 30- 35 because I am about to pray a mighty prayer for you…your skills is a pointer to your life career.
In conclusion, please remember that;
·        You are special
·        There is a plan for your life
·        You cannot be fulfilled unless your pursue and fulfill God’s purpose for creating you
·        You are not permitted to live like everyone. There is a difference between the lifestyle of an eagle and chicken; a lion and a cat.
·        You must be principled. If you are ignorant of the rules for your life or you break, you endanger your purpose.
·        You cannot do just any job, study just any course or work just anywhere
·        Your career is the pursuit of purpose
·        In choosing a life’s career, there are pointers you must give attention to; your talent, your dream, your experience, your hobby and your skills.
·        If you don’t choose the right career, you live your working and living the dreams other people and you can never succeed or find fulfillment.
I am filled with the Holy Ghost; I am anointed; I am supernaturally filled with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and all kinds of skills

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