Tuesday 16 December 2014

Holiness: Passport to Heaven

Holiness: Passport to Heaven
According to Hebrew 12: 14 says ‘without Holiness, no one will see the Lord’. It doesn’t matter if the person is born again or not; be it Pastor or member; born into a Christian family or otherwise. That was emphatic that ‘no one’ their church membership or ecclesiastically title or status notwithstanding, will see the lord. One of the major goals of every Christian is to see the lord for if only in the world we have hope we are of all men most miserable 1 Corinth. 15: 19. The question then would be what qualifies to see God? John 3: 3 provides the first answer, you must be born again. Then, you must be holy. What is holiness? Is holiness impossible? How is it different from righteousness? How can I be Holy?

a.       What is holiness? To be holy is to be morally blameless. The word signifies a “separation to God, and the conduct befitting those so separated”. In other words, to live a holy life is to live a life in conformity to the moral precepts of the Bible and in contrast to the sinful ways of the world. It is the habit of agreeing in God’s judgment—hating what He hates—loving what He loves—and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His Word. He who most entirely agrees with God, he is the most holy man. Obedience is the proof of holiness I Thessalonians 4:3-7; I Peter 1:14-16; Ephesians 4:22-24; Romans 12:1-2
b.      Why holiness? From the scriptures, let’s deduce reason why it is important for us to be holy.
a.       Mathew 5:20, 48
b.      1 Peter 1: 15-16
c.       Psalm 15:1-5
d.       Psalms 66:18
e.      1 Peter 3: 1
f.        2 Timothy 2:19-21
g.       I Corinthians 1:2,
h.      I Thessalonians 4: 3,7
i.         Ephesians 1:4
j.        Revelation 21: 27
c.       What are the Hindrances to Holiness and how to overcome?
a.       Lack of genuine salvation James 1:26-27, Matthew 7:21-23
b.      Lack of sincere hatred for sin Psalm 97:10
c.       Lack the presence and power of the Holy spirit Rom 8: 14
d.      Lack of the fear of God Pro.16:16; Job 28:28
e.      Lack of sincere love for God John 14: 15
f.        Living by strength not by faith Romans 7: 15-19
g.       Lack of daily transformation of the mind Romans 12: 1-2
h.      Lack of devotion and fellowship
i.         Lack of genuine witnessing to others through our words and actions1 Peter 3: 1

Holiness is the passport to heaven. We can be holy by avoiding whatever promote sin in us, avoid the hinderances to holiness and through the help of the Holy Spirit for ‘And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life’. May we all get there in Jesus name!

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