Tuesday 16 December 2014


TOPIC: THE POWER OF THE TONGUE James 3:1-12, Proverbs 18:21
When going for a check-up in the hospital, what the doctor first check is the tongue. He can diagnose the illness only by looking at the tongue. How the tongue is used can determine the future whether good or bad and how we speak reveals a lot about us, the country where we live, our job, our values, and our purpose of life…What does your tongue tells about you? How is your tongue shaping your life?
The Tongue has power to do 3 things:
1.     The power to control – James 3-4
·         Read the following scriptures and describe the influence of the Tongue on a man’s life Proverbs 15:4; Mat 15:18-19
·         Example of small things that control & have an effect. Describe how this manifest the power of the
  Bridle - makes a horse obey. James 3:3
  Rudder - overrides power of something else. James 3:4
  Spark - destroys huge quantities of resources. James 3:5
2.     The Power to Destroy – James3:5-8
·         The tongue is compared with the fire. Explain how the tongue destroys like fire. Proverbs 16:17, 26:20
·         How do you control the destroying power of the tongue? Luke 6: 45; Prov. 16: 23
3.     The Power to Bless. James3:9-12 – This tell us the proper ways to use our tongue. The tongue has the power to bless when filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:4. The first sign of filling of the Holy Spirit is the change of tongues and languages. When you are born again and Holy Ghost filled, you cannot speak the way you used to.
Common Sins of the Tongue
1. Talking too much (Prov. 15:2, 28; Prov. 29:11
2. Whispering and tale bearing. Prov. 16:27; Prov. 11:13; Prov. 18:8; Prov. 16:28; 17:9; Prov. 25:23
3. Lying. Prov. 6:17; 12:22; Prov. 12:19
4. Flattery. Prov. 27:6; Prov. 28:23
5. Angry words Prov. 15:1; Prov. 15:18
Other Proper Use of the Tongue
              I.        Ephesians 4: 29
             II.        Prov. 15: 2
           III.        Isaiah 50: 4
           IV.        Prov. 16: 24
             V.        Colossians. 4: 6
The Benefits of Proper Use of the Tongue
              I.        Proverbs 13:3 You will preserve your life from destruction
             II.        Proverbs 17:28; Proverbs 18:13 You are considered wise
           III.        Proverbs 10:19; James 1:19 You can avoid sin
           IV.        Proverbs 21:23; You will avoid trouble
             V.        Ecclesiastes 5:2; You will avoid talking hastily in God’s presence.
If you can control your thought and your tongue, you can control your life and the outcome of things generally. This control is impossible without true circumcision of the heart and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

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